Year 7 Bonding
Our Year 7 pupils enjoyed an adventurous trip to Wiltshire, tackling outdoor activities and getting to know their new classmates.
The girls write about their highlights:
On the morning before we set off, the school was alive with excited Year 7s ready to embark on the annual bonding trip to PGL Liddington. After form time and morning lessons, the whole year group embarked on this very exciting residential trip.
After travelling by coach for just under 2 hours, we arrived at PGL Liddington where we had lunch before we started our afternoon activities. In groups of 12, we took it in turns to complete a variety of outdoor activities over the course of three days: raft-building, climbing, abseiling, the giant swing, orienteering and a fun challenge course. A lot of these activities were based on team work, which helped us really get to know girls in our form.
We also had opportunities to mix with other girls across the year group. One evening we all took part in a quiz organised by our PGL Leaders Alex and Rosie. We were allocated teams in our school houses, which made the quiz an official house competition, with Bodington emerging victorious, securing 10 house points! It was so much fun spending a few days away from school getting to know everyone. Thank you so much to the South Hampstead teachers and PGL staff for looking after us during our time away!