Co-curricular Camaraderie
Unabated by lockdown, participation in co-curricular activities has been thriving this term.
Although the usual buzzing schedule of 100+ weekly activities has been scaled back, dozens of clubs and societies have been adapted to move online.
Each week, after guided home learning, girls across all year groups come together to engage in an array of activities, from design projects and experimental science to creative writing workshops and play reading. Via one after school Science Club, Eleanor in Year 11 has achieved a Silver CREST Award for her very relevant and timely research into the efficacy of different modes of hand-washing.
Student-initiated sessions have included a ‘zine’ club (creating a ‘quaranzine’) and crafting toys to sell for charity, while the school magazine committee are meeting up virtually to finalise the summer edition of The Penguin.
One of our most popular co-curricular options – debating – has been flourishing in the digital space, while the PE Department has set up an online running club, netball fitness sessions and boxercise classes. Musicians have also found their rhythm: individual lessons continue and numerous music ensembles, bands and choirs are enjoying making music together online, including a spectacular entry by Big Band for the GDST Song Contest.