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Silver Science Award

Congratulations to Eleanor in Year 11 on achieving a silver CREST award for her timely research project, investigating the efficacy of different hand-washing techniques.

CREST is a nationally recognised scheme for student-led project work in the STEM subjects and is managed by the British Science Association. Students are given the opportunity to explore real world projects, while inspiring them to think and behave like scientists.

At South Hampstead, we have run CREST as a club, and occasionally as one of our Mehr Licht enrichment options, for the past 4 years. Over that time, numerous girls from Year 7 to 11 have completed and achieved their bronze award. To achieve this, students need to spend a minimum of 10 hours either individually or in a team, designing an investigation, interpreting their findings and evaluating their method.

This year, Eleanor is the first student to complete and achieve her silver award. This is a fantastic achievement, as the silver level is a long term, in-depth project (minimum 30 hours) that is externally assessed. Eleanor has been working towards this award since the last academic year; although only 11 elements are necessary, she covered all 15 elements, achieving the required standard for all of them. Her research into the efficacy of different hand-washing techniques was praised for the clarity of its recommendations – a very relevant study in the context of the pandemic, which you can read here.

The CREST club, open to all age groups, continues to run virtually during lockdown.

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