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Sports Return

Pupils have enjoyed getting active again on their return to school, participating in team sports, trying new activities and getting outdoors.

The GDST Get Active Challenge galvanised the whole school community to clock up the kilometres during lockdown, resulting in a top ten finish for South Hampstead, thanks to some standout performances – well done to Sixth Former Lulah for cycling a phenomenal 1067km over the course of February, and to Head Girl and Sports Captain, Eliza and Noa, for their impressive penguin-shaped running routes.

On the return to school, PE afternoons resumed at the sports ground with girls trying out new activities – pop lacrosse, tag rugby, frisbee and handball – while after-school football and netball leagues got underway again. Sixth Formers, meanwhile, have been enjoying netball, yoga, dance and more.

With the sports hall no longer being utilised as a mass Covid-testing centre, and our sports ground looking greener than ever, we look forward to starting our summer sports – athletics, cricket and tennis – and staging many more sporting activities next term.

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