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Black History Month

Our Diversity Team are celebrating African culture this month, as part of our on-going conversations about diversity and inclusion.

At this morning’s assembly, Chehara, our Deputy Head Girl for Diversity & Inclusion, outlined the range of events taking place this month across the school community.  Plans include a special screening of Hidden Figures (the story of three African American female mathematicians who worked at NASA during the Space Race), while form time discussions will feature TED talks and opportunities to debate whether former colonial powers should return African artefacts.  Throughout October, celebrations of African food, art, culture and music have been planned.  Influential individuals are being showcased on screens in the atrium, while the day before half term was a non-uniform day, with all proceeds contributing to disaster relief work in Haiti.

A new ‘something worth sharing’ series encourages students, staff and guest speakers to start a dialogue about what they have learned about Black History, while the History Department is exploring common misconceptions about Black History.  Other on-going activities include curriculum reviews, engaging Culture Club discussions about diversity, and prominent Black History displays in the library, as we continue our commitment to ensuring that South Hampstead is a place where diversity and mutual respect can flourish.


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