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Sixth Form Taster Days

Year 10 students recently enjoyed a series of taster days – a chance to explore the different aspects of life in the Sixth Form and to understand why it’s the pinnacle of an all-through educational experience at South Hampstead.

Below, some of the pupils reflect on their highlights:

“If the thrill of not wearing uniform for two days straight wasn’t enough, the freedom of being able to leave for lunch was definitely a cause for our enthusiasm. On top of that, both days were filled with a multitude of inspiring talks and interesting new lessons.”

“Most exciting was getting a taste of the newfound liberty Sixth Form brings. I particularly liked the intimacy and informality of the lessons – having a smaller group and a conversational approach definitely prompted me to contribute even more than I normally would!”

“The taster lessons really helped us to get a feel for the different subjects – even if, for some people, it just made them realise they wanted to take everything!”

“Getting to try out a wide range of new subjects – such as Classical Civilisation, Economics, History of Art, Government & Politics and Psychology – was really exciting and opened up even more doors for the future.”

“My taster lesson in Psychology particularly stands out. We jumped right into an analysis of different psychological perspectives – insight into human behaviour and the workings of the mind definitely held intrigue.”

“The prospect of the Upper Sixth Speaker Series, listening to people from all walks of life, seems a wonderful way to end each week. We got a flavour of this with fashion journalist Harriet Hall coming in to talk to us about feminism in the workplace – engaging, funny and inspiring.”

“Another highlight was, of course, lunch – we were allowed to go out to eat. Hoards of us descended on the nearby O2 centre (although our slight misjudgement of time meant a rather rushed Nando’s!)”

“We had great talks, from running our own clubs to the Extended Project Qualification and applying to Oxbridge, including a really helpful Q&A from the Head Girl Team, putting us at ease by dispelling any worries. We talked in depth and got great advice from our Sixth Form buddies.”

“We experienced Sixth Form PE and some of the many options available – from trampolining to gruelling British Military Fitness!”

“Altogether, the taster days were incredibly fun and informative, making all of us in Year 10 really look forward to becoming South Hampstead Sixth Formers.”

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