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Tatler Schools Guide 2025

South Hampstead is once again featured in the Tatler Schools Guide, their annual review of the top schools in the UK.

Busy and buzzy, South Hampstead is thriving; and the warm atmosphere is palpable from the moment you walk through the door to meet its bubbly, driven girls. The school is highly academic. Typically, 20% of leavers receive Oxbridge offers (others look to the Ivy League), and last year’s results were impressive, with 72% of A Levels graded A*/A and 83% of GCSEs 9/8. But studying here is not only about books and exams: supporting the pupils’ mental health and a focus on emotional resilience is important too; and the school recently launched a new collaboration with Tooled Up Education, a digital library of evidence-based resources for parents and teachers on all aspects of parenting, learning and family life. And this clearly works: the latest ISI inspection highlighted the pervasive culture of ‘joyful scholarship’ here.

The warm atmosphere is palpable from the moment you walk through the door.

One parent tells us that it isn’t just for one specific type of girl, meaning that students grow up surrounded by friends with different interests, strengths and skills. Meanwhile, the new padel court is open for business, building work to enhance spaces for Sixth Formers is complete, and the school plans to lead the way in becoming carbon-neutral through the pupil-led Project Zero.  New Head, Anna Paul, arrived from Godolphin & Latymer last year with big shoes to fill – her predecessor Vicky Bingham was unanimously deemed a success – but she is already credited with a being a “fabulous female role model” by one current father. And in the words of one of her charges, “I can’t wait to see what she does next!” 

The review featured in the ‘Tatler Schools Guide 2025: the top prep and public schools in the UK’, published in conjunction with the October 2024 edition of Tatler magazine. 

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