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Published Poet

One of our Sixth Form students has been awarded second place in The Armistice 100 Prize, with her winning poem published in a new collection of poetry.

The University of Lincoln invited students from across the UK to submit poems on the theme of Armistice, to commemorate the centenary on 11/11/2018. All shortlisted entrants were invited to a performance poetry event at the university this week, where A Level English student and Deputy Head Girl, Ella, was announced as a winner. Her poem, ‘Untitled, unnamed, unwritten’, was read aloud at the event by Carol Ann Duffy – the poet laureate was joined on the judging panel by Professor Jason Whittaker, Head of English and Journalism at the University of Lincoln, and Imtiaz Dharker, Winner of Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry. Duffy has also written the foreword to the collection, featuring Ella’s poem, which is available to purchase here. Congratulations to Ella on her outstanding achievement.



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