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Galactic Challenge Winners

On Saturday, our Head of Physics took a team of students to Imperial College to compete in a challenge to design a space settlement.

Eva, Louise and Sabrina in Year 9 and Ella in Year 7 joined forces with eight girls from other schools to form a team. They were given 5 hours to design a space settlement that could orbit Earth and Mars, culminating in a 10 minute presentation of their proposal to the judges at the end of the day.  Congratulations to the girls, who are all members of our student-led lunchtime Space Society, on their winning design that scooped the top prize!

Nationally, boys are still almost four times as likely to study Physics A Level – however, South Hampstead empowers girls to buck the trend. Last year over 42% of Physics GCSE entries were awarded the very top grade 9 and there is strong take-up of Physics into the Sixth Form at South Hampstead. Recent leavers have gone on to study Physics & Astronomy, Biomedical Sciences and Mechanical Engineering, while impressive alumnae provide powerful role models: former pupil Dr Jess Wade, recent recipient of Institute of Physics Daphne Jackson Medal, is a stand-out example. Championing women in Physics, Dr Wade is aiming to write at least one Wiki entry a day for female Scientists, as reported in The Guardian



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