Geography Society Guest Speaker
South Hampstead Geography Society was delighted to host a talk this week by broadcaster, journalist and author Tim Marshall.
Tim has written several geopolitical books, including the best-selling Prisoners of Geography – an essential read for any Geography student. His latest book, Divided: Why We Are Living In An Age of Walls, examines the fences, walls and barriers dividing peoples and nations that define the current and future political landscape. Tim delivered a topical, engaging and sometimes frightening talk and signed copies of his book afterwards. It was pleasing to see so many Geography students and teachers from all over London attending the event, and peppering Tim with some challenging questions in the Q&A session that followed.
The next Geography Society guest speaker will be Professor Mat Disney from UCL, who will be speaking on urban trees and carbon storage, on Thursday 24th January. Mat, who featured in the film Judi Dench made about trees last year, shown on the BBC recently, is just one of the many speakers we regularly welcome into South Hampstead to open the doors, hearts and minds of our pupils and the local community.