
Fired up: Sport

Physical activity is as much a part of learning here as any academic subject, and we aim to engender a healthy attitude towards being active in every girl, from their earliest years.

We want every girl to have the chance to find something they enjoy and pursue, whether it’s dance or yoga, football or netball, cricket or running. So, we introduce all pupils to a range of team and individual pursuits, and offer each one the chance to attend squad training and take part in competitive fixtures with other schools.

As an all-through school, we are able to offer all girls access to the Senior School’s specialist coaching expertise and state-of-the-art sporting facilities, including a four-acre sports ground with premier league cricket pitch, tennis and netball courts, and a dance studio. Senior School pupils and Sixth Formers, some of them elite sportswomen, also help to run clubs and training sessions.

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