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Girls go to Work

This week, all Year 9 pupils took part in our annual Take Your Daughter To Work Day.

Take Your Daughter to Work Day is a scheme that has been running for 27 years and originated in New York. It reaches approximately 35 million students worldwide every year and our Year 9 students took part this term. There was a huge variety in workplaces that our students attended, including finance and banking, law, media and advertising, science and education.

Director of Careers and Higher Education, Dr Osborne, commented: “My favourite part of this scheme is reading the reflection forms that the students complete afterwards and seeing how their mindset has changed as a result of the day. Having read through the forms, it is safe to say our students do not like being bored (or doing any cleaning!) The girls clearly came away with a new appreciation of what working life might involve.”  

“Beforehand, I’d ruled out all finance jobs. I thought it was just maths – but now I’m really interested in the sales side of it.”

“It was harder than I imagined.”

“I didn’t realise how active my mum’s job is and how many people work together to make sure things run properly.”

“I found the atmosphere of the floor surprising, very male-dominated and loud, not quite like I thought office work would be.”

“I was amazed how relaxed everyone was and the fun atmosphere.”

“I didn’t realise how many different jobs there are in a bank.”

“My favourite part was when I gave my input about the new deal and it was helpful! My least favourite was listening in to a phone call meeting that was really long and confusing.”

“I enjoyed watching the trials but it was tedious waiting for the jury to make its verdict because we had to sit in silence.”

“My favourite part of the day was sitting in a meeting… my least favourite was cleaning out their storage cupboard.”

South Hampstead’s Futures Programme launched in September 2017, providing a comprehensive framework to equip all girls for life beyond their school years. Pupils are encouraged to develop their workplace skills and confidence early by recording their achievements and co-curricular activities and developing their CV. From the early years of Senior School, girls explore a diverse array of aspirational career paths via classroom projects, lunchtime careers talks, blue-chip company insight days and various work experience opportunities.

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