Physics Awards
Eleven Year 10 pupils have been awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold awards in this year’s British Physics Olympiad.
The national Physics competition is designed to engage and challenge students by offering them a range of problems to solve, above and beyond the syllabus; topics range from Dynamics and Electricity, to Optics and Astronomy. Open to 14 and 15 year olds across the UK, only the very top students nationally achieve Gold awards. Congratulations to Eleanor, Penelope, Ella, Maisie and Stella on their Gold Awards; Georgia, Misha and Chehara on their Silver Awards; and Katie, Saachi and Tasneem on their Bronze Awards.
South Hampstead girls have a strong track record in national Physics Olympiads – one of our students was the only girl on Team GB at the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics in Beijing last year. The all-female Physics Department inspires girls to embrace a subject that, on a national scale, is still favoured by male students. Girls regularly hear from expert guest speakers and have the opportunity to go on trips such as visiting NASA in Florida and CERN in Geneva. A number of pupils have been awarded engineering scholarships over the past few years; girls have initiated a new lunchtime Space Society; while Sixth Form students have started their own Science magazine, Eureka!