
Entry at 11+

Each year we welcome approximately 55 new girls into the school to join those moving up from our Junior School. Girls must have reached the age of 11 before 1st September in the year of entry, and will be in Year 6 when they sit their entrance examination.

Applications for entry in September 2026 are now open; please register your interest and apply online by Friday 7th November.

South Hampstead is one of a number of schools in the London 11+ Consortium, which aims to provide an application process which is fair, clear, robust and accessible to children from all schools and backgrounds; further information, including a full list of participating schools, is available on the consortium website.

Candidates who do well in the entrance test will be invited for interview, helping to provide a more holistic picture of whether they will thrive at South Hampstead.

Our FAQs document aims to provide you with all the information you need about the admissions process and familiarisation materials are available here. If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:

For 11+ entry in September 2026

Girls born between 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2015


Apply online

Registration for Year 7 entry in September 2026 closes on Friday 7th November.



All applicants will be invited to sit the entrance test at their own school or at South Hampstead High School. The test dates are Friday 28th November, Tuesday 2nd December or Thursday 4th December.



Candidates who do well in the entrance test will be invited for interview; interviews will be held in person at South Hampstead High School in January 2026.



Offers will be made on Friday 13th February. The deadline for acceptance will be noon on Wednesday 4th March, when a deposit of £2000 will be required to secure your place.