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Activities Week

As exams continued apace for several year groups, Year 7 to 9 enjoyed a week off timetable to expand their horizons and enrich their learning.

Year 7’s independent learning project aims to encourage pupils to take the initiative and think creatively about their work. Collaborating in small groups, they imaginatively tackled the theme of ‘bug’, exploring topics as diverse as computer viruses, entomology, espionage and the VW Beetle over the course of three days, before showcasing their findings to parents and judges. Congratulations to our winning team – Amelie, Grace, Sophia and Sylvia – for their project entitled A World Without Bugs.  Pupils also explored a big scientific question and presented their findings at a Science Fair, cleared litter and trimmed hedges on Hampstead Heath, and enjoyed an energetic sports afternoon.

Year 8 embarked on an entrepreneurial eco-project, learning about systems thinking and how to design out waste. In groups, they applied their learning about branding, marketing and storytelling to create some fantastic concepts, including ingenious ideas for recycling crisp packets and an eco-alternative to dog poo bags. Well done to our winning team – Clara, Elizabeth, Matilda, Mia, Riya and Stella – who came up with a travel-friendly toothbrushing solution which relies on toothpaste tablets as opposed to plastic tubes.  Year 8 also walked via Primrose Hill for a carbon-zero trip to London Zoo to enrich their learning about ecosystems and the impact of climate change, explored Tudor life at Hampton Court Palace, and enjoyed an outdoor education day where they learned first aid skills, pitched tents and cooked their own lunch.

Year 9 had the opportunity to take charge of their own fun, form group events and organised team-bonding sessions including laser tag, a crystal maze challenge and games and pizza on Hampstead Heath. They also undertook practical ecological work in Epping Forest and a Dragon’s Den style challenge as part of their Futures Programme Futures Certificate; innovative business ideas ranged from an app to provide instant access to quality social care to an SPF shampoo to protect the scalp – the winning idea, from Elise, Jasmine, Paloma and Pandora. Most students ended the week on their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Assessed Expedition, with others spending two days in the Chiltern Hills to develop new skills, including map-reading, first aid, leadership and resilience.


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