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Aspirational Futures Fair

At our recent careers fair, parents, alumnae and staff shared their experiences of working in a wide range of professions.

As part of our Futures Programme, we host a careers fair every two years, introducing our pupils in Year 9 upwards to an array of different pathways. At this year’s event, dozens of parents and former pupils kindly gave up their time to speak to the girls, as did South Hampstead staff from different career backgrounds, including a member of our site team who works in the emergency response team for the Metropolitan Police. The girls also spoke to experts working in consultancy, finance, healthcare, law, music and technology, as well as attending talks about pursuing careers in entrepreneurship, sustainability, fashion, the media and public sectors. Thank you to everyone in our wider community for sharing their invaluable insights and experiences.

Mrs Paul commented: Judging by the superbly incisive questions posed by the girls throughout the day, I have no doubt that our pupils’ futures will be as interesting and varied as our brilliant community of individuals.” 

Our Futures Programme at South Hampstead starts early in the Senior School, with workshops and Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHEE) sessions to help pupils to develop their own personal brand as well as skills such as communication, motivation, confidence and leadership. In collaboration with LSE Generate, Year 9 embark on an entrepreneurship project, whilst Sixth Formers can take the GDST leadership and enterprise diploma, designed to embed critical skills such as resilience and innovative thinking. Pupils also undertake assessments through Morrisby, to help guide career, subject and future educational choices, and have access to webinars and work experience opportunities through the Girls’ Day School Trust.


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