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Beacon of Scholarship

The second issue of the Beacon – our Academic Scholars’ Journal – features illuminating essays on the theme of navigation.

Each year, our most senior Academic Scholars research and write essays for the Beacon: a celebration of academia at South Hampstead. In the spirit of our school motto, Mehr Licht, the essays in the journal shine a light on a diverse range of topics. The latest issue – on the theme of navigation – includes essays on space travel and linguistics, migration patterns and the teenage body clock, testament to the diverse intellectual journeys that the girls have embarked upon. Curated and edited by two of our Upper Sixth Academic Scholars, Jane and Anoushka, the essays provide an enlightening read.

As part of the Beacon programme, Academic Scholars contribute to an annual journal and attend a cultural trip and scholars’ dinner. Academic Scholarships are awarded based on performance in the entrance/scholarship examination – open to all pupils – the year prior to joining the Sixth Form. Academic Scholarships may also be awarded at 11+ based on performance in the entrance examination or, for pupils transitioning from South Hampstead Junior School, as recommended by the Head of the Junior School. 

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