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Beacon of Scholarship

Our Chief Academic Scholar has helped to curate the latest issue of the Beacon: a collection of essays on the theme of challenge.

Our Year 11 and Lower Sixth Academic Scholars have contributed stimulating essays encompassing the challenges of green energy and original creativity, the racial wealth gap and neurodiversity.

Chief Scholar, Amelie in the Upper Sixth, commented: “After likely the most difficult year any of us has lived through, the theme of ‘challenge’ seemed all too fitting. In reading the articles you will see the variety of angles the theme has been explored from… it is always exciting to see how each scholar’s individuality shines through.”

Sixth Form Art Scholar, Sophia, painted Trinity Walk as the front cover: “A reflection of the uphill challenge faced by most South Hampstead pupils – a light-hearted, or perhaps deep metaphorical, take on the journal’s theme!”

South Hampstead’s Academic Scholars join the Beacon Programme, contributing to the scholars’ journal and symposia, attending a cultural trip and dinner, and inspiring our younger pupils with a love of learning. Academic Scholarships are available for entry at 11+ and the Sixth Form –  find out more.  

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