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Covid Crisis Fundraising

As India faces a devastating coronavirus surge, one of our Sixth Formers has been inspiring the school community to help.

Saina in the Lower Sixth is leading an initiative to raise money and awareness for countries struggling to manage the pandemic. She gave a powerful talk to Senior School pupils about how the crisis is affecting so many vulnerable people in India.  Determined to do something to help, she organised a fundraising raffle and non-uniform day as well as mobilising parental donations to the Disasters Emergency Committee via ParentPay.  Saina has also signed a petition to encourage countries to send ventilators and is reaching out to businesses to ask for their support. Inspired to play their part, three Year 7 pupils – Hana, Lara, Leonora – bravely participated in a sponsored silence for an entire day to help raise funds.

Through our partnership with FEAST With Us, we also continue to help combat local food poverty. Our catering team arranged bulk-bought deliveries of supplies to the JW3 centre, the charity’s nearest hub, where volunteers prepare meals for those in need; Sixth Formers have also been baking brownies and cupcakes for NHS workers and donors, supporting the JW3 blood donation drive.


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