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Creativity Week

Year 7 enjoyed a fun-filled Creativity Week with an exciting range of activities.

As pupils in other year groups entered exam season, Year 7 spent six days off timetable, expanding their horizons in a variety of ways. In collaboration with UCS pupils, they embarked on a Dragon’s Den-style challenge, with an introductory session led by one of our entrepreneur parents, Natalie Letcher. Our girls worked alongside the boys in mixed teams to develop a wellbeing focused business idea, pitching their ideas with great enthusiasm. Other activities included staging a ‘play in a day’, as pupils devised their own versions of Greek myths in a physical theatre style, with their final performances judged by professional actor Matthew Ashforde. Pupils also engaged in an eco project focusing on the importance of biodiversity in our school and the local area.

All pupils took part in a self-defence session with an expert trainer, to build awareness and confidence, and Computing and Futures Certificate sessions, to help pupils to develop workplace skills. Form groups ended the week with two edifying days out – a Classics and Philosophy & Religion-focused trip to St Albans, and a History trip to the Tower of London.


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