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Disability Week

Our Deputy Head Girl for Diversity & Inclusion hosted a range of activities to help challenge stigmas around disability.

Mehr and her team kicked off the week by creating form time activities for each year group. Pupils watched TED Talks and educational videos discussing different areas of disability they may not have been exposed to before; they then reflected on what they can do to support disabled people, particularly those with invisible disabilities, and how to be mindful of this.

Two Sixth Form ambassadors – Scarlett and Laura – led a whole school assembly about how we as a school community can help support disabled people, such as connecting issues of ableism to personal experiences, or choosing to consume media which contains accurate representations of those who are disabled.

South Hampstead’s Disability Week, which coincided with national Learning Disability Week, is just one of the many initiatives run by the Diversity & Inclusion team as part of their overall aim to promote education in all areas of diversity, and to create an inclusive community that celebrates our differences.

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