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Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

Each year, almost all our Year 9 cohort successfully complete their Bronze Award, giving back and learning new skills.

The highlight for many is the overnight expedition, where they learn to map-read, problem-solve, pitch tents, cook outdoors and work as a team. This term, over 100 pupils set off on their assessed 2-day adventure in the Chilterns; two of our groups report back.

Armed with compasses, first aid kit, gas canisters etc, our tactic was to ‘power walk’ for the first couple of hours and then take it easy…  we arrived at the campsite and immediately set up our tent so we could start cooking and get ready for bed as we wanted the most sleep possible. After a bumpy night, we rose early and began cooking breakfast at 6am. It was quite frosty, so we quickly packed up. Our first challenge was finding our way out of the woods, with its infinite narrow pathways. We were soon on the right path… until we navigated our way into an extremely tight path of stinging nettles and thorns, when we began to question our choices. Fortunately, we found our checkpoint and plopped down for a break. Our assessor told us we were way ahead of time and that we needed to slow down and change route to avoid some flooding – but we were on a roll and couldn’t be stopped. We foolishly made the decision to brave the mud – but it was so deep, it was almost a river. Although we emerged alive, our boots were sloshing with water. We reached our destination in good time and were the second group back. We were so proud of what we had achieved and how much we had improved from our practice expedition.

– Dalia, Irini, Lara, Lorena, Ophelia, Phoebe, Salina

We started off strong. With group songs, photos and fun games, the 7-hour walk felt like less. Using our navigation skills, we arrived at Lees Wood Campsite where we pitched our tent and started making dinner – pasta and tomato sauce. At night the weather was quite cold, but thankfully we had many layers to keep us warm. The next day, we woke up very early, eager to get home. After pancakes, Nutella and dried fruit, we departed promptly at around 9am, before encountering a few obstacles. We safely navigated a busy road, walking single file, before being stopped by another complication, as the river had flooded our path. We trudged across, with water up to our knees and mud in our boots. Overall, however, it was an amazing experience, and we are grateful for the opportunity.

– Alexia, Ella, Emily, Honor, Inaaya, Maya, Somerset

Through the volunteering section of the Duke of Edinburgh award, pupils also undertake a range of activities, such as cooking at community foodbanks, helping at charity shops, or spending time at local care homes. Over the past year, our Bronze, Silver and Gold participants have contributed 5746 hours to the local community, equating to over £30,000 in social value.

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