Exploring Careers
Each year, our Year 8 pupils research an array of interesting career paths as part of our Futures Programme; due to lockdown, the project moved online this year.
During Guided Home Learning, girls used their live, online Mehr Licht enrichment sessions to explore a range of aspirational careers beyond traditional professions, from Audio Engineer to Furniture Designer and Science Illustrator to Landscape Architect. Utilising their UniFrog accounts, they investigated diverse roles across six different zones – Business, Communication, Creative, People, Government and Science – finding out about a typical day, the key skills required, where in the world you could work and how your career could progress.
The online Unifrog platform gives girls the opportunity to reflect upon and log their individual skills and start on their CVs, as well as allowing them continue to explore different careers – a great starting point for a discussion about their future plans. Tasked with presenting their findings, the girls created informative and inspiring posters, with prizes awarded for the best.
With the pace of change having a huge impact on the future of work, girls are well equipped for life beyond their school years via our Futures Programme, led by Dr Osborne, Director of Employability.