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Honorary Alumnae Coffee Morning

We were delighted to welcome back former staff for our Honorary Alumnae coffee morning.

Former MFL Teacher, Doris Hugh, reports back on a wonderful morning in the Burgess Room:

Most of our guests had attended last year’s coffee morning and were very happy to see their former colleagues again and catch up on news since they last met.  A couple of new members joined us this year to enjoy some free-flowing conversation, coffee and pastries. 

Head Anna Paul and former Head Averil Burgess (1975-1993) both joined the event as did Dr Clare Woodward, who retired from the Biology Department last summer, and Paul Keyte, Academic Deputy Head (2006-2010), who continues visit South Hampstead to prepare Oxbridge candidates for interviews.

We were also joined by some wonderful current staff members. I would like to extend my gratitude to Gail Ashwell, Sara Bell, Pam Morgan and the legendary Lucy Raitz, who spared a few minutes in their busy school day to come and chat with us. To quote one former colleague: ‘We never seem to age, at least not in our eyes!’

The event was a huge success and we are already looking forward to next year. You can view the photos from the event here.

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