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House Challenges

Staff and pupils have embraced this half term’s inter-House challenges, with competitive quizzing and debating.

It was fingers on buzzers for the House Challenge, as pupils impressed in year group contests, with Walker and Potter sharing the top spot overall. In Waterlow Hall, teachers battled it out in a tense final, with Potter claiming the staff victory. At equally competitive lunchtime debates, pupils tackled a range of motions with confidence and conviction, whether arguing to boycott the Winter Olympics in Beijing or regretting the norm of South Hampstead students going to university.  Congratulations to all our debaters, especially to Bodington who topped the ranks.

After half term, House Captains will be mobilising our first House Social Action week, challenged to come up with the best creative ideas to raise awareness and funds for their chosen charities: Project Climate Refugees (Benton and Potter) and Rainforest Education UK (Bodington and Walker).  Other activities before the end of term will include House STEM Week, Maths, Modern Foreign Languages, Football, Netball and a spelling bee.


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