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House Fun

The usual competitive camaraderie of inter-year events has continued online, with pupils and staff racking up points for their House.

Our four Houses have been battling it out in an array of fun-filled activities during Guided Home Learning – from sport and art to quizzes and reading.

Congratulations to every pupil and teacher who submitted such impressive showstoppers in the Great South Hampstead Bake Off, with a special mention to our star bakers: Sophie in Year 7, Riya in Year 9 and Sofia in Year 7.

Creativity continued to flourish in House Art Attack, which attracted over 300 entries – many are showcased in the gallery above. Well done to Emily in Year 7, Sixth Former Tara, and Amalie in Year 9 winning the top 100 point prizes for their House.

Meanwhile, pupils continued to make their voices heard via House Debating – congratulations to our winning pairs:  Anya and Izzy in Year 7; Sophia and Maia in Year 8; Olivia and Lara in Year 9; Talia and Olivia in Year 10; Manon and Giada in Year 11; and Manon and Camille stepping up to clinch the Sixth Form prize.

Others contributed points via Geography quizzes, a read-a-thon, our first MasterChef challenge, the Penguin running club and even corralled their entire families to contribute kilometres to the GDST Get Active challenge. Mrs Bingham and Mr White’s lockdown challenges offered added bonus House points for some of their more ambitious targets, such as getting a letter published in a national newspaper. They look forward to awarding plenty more House points on our return to school…


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