Lockdown Leagues
With competitive sporting fixtures against other schools unable to take place this term, new internal football and netball leagues are underway.
Intra-bubble leagues have been running at the sports ground after school, enabling girls of all ages to continue with match practice, have fun and develop their competitive play. Undeterred by the cold, dark evenings, they have also adapted to numerous new Covid match rules, including extra distancing and sanitising.
55 footballers from Years 7 to 9 have been taking part in lunchtime skills sessions and competitive, after school league matches, while 224 netball players of all ages have enjoyed getting back on court – all making impressive improvements as individuals and teams.
Netballers have been split into mixed ability teams, nominating their own team captain, deciding on a team name and competing against the other teams in their year group in a range of different styles: normal 7 a-side netball, some super netball, where they can shoot from outside the ‘D’, and versatility, where they play all positions on court.
Our sporting ethos of inclusive excellence continues to thrive, as some of our top netballers have been selected for superleague pathways this term.