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Motivational Monday – Arts Curator

Our latest Motivational Monday features Alisha O’Brien-Coker (2019), who spoke to us about working at the Wallace Collection.

At school, Alisha thrived in creative subjects. Whether it was English Literature lessons or ukulele club, she immersed herself in all things artistic. Ms McDougall, Mr Larochelle, Dr Egan and Mr Tanfield are just some of the many supportive and inspirational teachers that helped her in her journey both during and beyond South Hampstead.

After leaving the Sixth Form in 2019, Alisha studied History at the University of Edinburgh, followed by a master’s qualification. During her time at university, she began to specialise in the ways in which Black women are portrayed in history. Specifically, she examined post-colonial critiques and representations of Blackness in 19th century artwork.

Alisha’s expertise in her field led her to her current role as Curatorial Administrator at the Wallace Collection. She is currently doing a 6-month placement, where she writes material for the collection, and has recently led talks examining Black presence at the Wallace Collection. From September, she will join a year-long programme called New Curators – a charity which represents and supports socially and economically marginalised people to enter into the curatorial industry.

At South Hampstead, Alisha was a bursary student, receiving funding for her place at the school. She explains how grateful she is for her school experience: “There was always someone fighting your corner, someone who really believes in what you’re doing and wants you to do well. I  was taught grace and patience at South Hampstead , qualities which I still carry with me now.”


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