Renowned Writers – Allie Esiri
Every month, as we celebrate the breadth of our alumnae community, we highlight former pupils who have become published authors.
Allie Esiri (class of 1984) read Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge University and spent several years as an actress before turning to poetry. She is an accomplished curator and host of live poetry events at The National Theatre, The Bridge Theatre and at Hay, Oxford, Bath and Cheltenham literary festivals. She has published a series of poetry anthologies: ‘A Poem for Every Day of the Year’ was in the best books of the year list in The Times and the Observer, and ‘A Poem for Every Night of the Year’ was a best book of the year in The Times and New Statesman. Her latest anthology is ‘Shakespeare for Every Day of the Year’.
We are delighted that Allie has returned to South Hampstead as a speaker and has donated all three of her anthologies, signed by herself and her school friend Helena Bonham Carter, to our Waterlow Hall Auction.