Renowned Writers – Lola Busari
Every month, as we celebrate the breadth of our alumnae community, we highlight former pupils who have become published authors.
Lola Busari (Class of 2005) is an avid writer with a passion for mentoring and inspiring young women. She runs a company specialising in educational services for children and young people, and is co-director of a social enterprise entitled Little Scholars House Education Centre, which promotes leadership skills to young women. She holds a degree in English Literature, a masters in Creative and Professional Writing and is undertaking research in Theology and Literature at Manchester University. She also finds time to write novels and has three published titles: Papa’s Little Girls, God Made Sex and The Real Husband List.
Lola attended South Hampstead with a bursary award and she is determined to support other young women. Last term, she returned to South Hampstead to speak to current pupils about writing and is one of our regular bursary fund supporters.