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Self-Defence Training

This year, we have introduced self-defence training for every pupil in the Senior School, with sessions focusing on safety, empowerment and decision-making.

The new sessions form part of our revamped Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) programme, now known as Launchpad in Years 7 to 9 and Perspectives for Years 10 upwards. The training was introduced in response to feedback from pupils who wanted to improve their sense of personal safety in a variety of settings and situations. The training is being delivered by Action Breaks Silence, an organisation committed to empowering women to keep themselves safe. The founder, Debi Steven, has an extensive martial arts background; the sessions focus on empowerment and decision-making, as well as some physical strategies that can be employed if necessary.

One of our Sixth Formers commented: “In the wake of the Sarah Everard case, I feel it’s really important to know how to protect yourself and others – not only in emergencies, but also in scenarios where you feel uncomfortable. It was really helpful to learn how to be an active bystander in situations in which people would typically freeze.”

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