Singing Success
After a two year break due to Covid, our choristers returned to triumph at the Mid-Somerset Festival at St Mary’s Church in Bath.
In 2020, our singers had a clean sweep at the competition. This year, as the festival resumed, over 60 of our most talented singers set off early for a day of song in Bath; Paloma in Year 8 reports back:
‘The day was bright and clear, and our bus gently hummed with excitement which grew into slightly more anxious anticipation as we drew closer to the venue. First to perform in the Secondary Choral Day was Chorale, whose renditions of ‘A Bunch of Thyme’ and ‘Like a Rainbow’ resonated through the church, said to have “excellent acoustics, perfect of choral singing.” They were followed by brilliant performances from Lower School Chamber Choir singing ‘De Bello Gallico’ and ‘I Will Give My Love an Apple’, and finally Upper School Chamber Choir singing ‘Halleluja’ and ‘Laugh Kookaburra’. Chorale and Lower School Chamber Choir both won their classes and were given an outstanding mark! Upper School Chamber Choir was highly commended and was awarded a distinction. By lunchtime, we were more than ready for pizza and a noisy debrief of the morning’s events. In the afternoon there was some time to explore the lovely city centre before heading back to our coach for the long trip back to Hampstead. The singing in the coach was rather less melodic than earlier in the day but just as enjoyable. With thanks to Miss Ellis and all the staff who made our entry and successes possible.’