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Sports Rally Success

Being part of the Girls’ Day School Trust provides the opportunity for girls to regularly compete in a range of sports against our sister schools from across the UK. Last week it was the turn of swimming and netball at the GDST Rally at Oxford High School.

Our newly-formed U12 squad emerged undefeated in the first stages, with 7 wins and 3 draws, to finish in third place on goal difference, qualifying for the play-offs. Overall, out of 21 teams from across the country, the girls finished in sixth place – great play all round, with special mentions to Sophie in attack and player of the tournament, Laura.

South Hampstead swimmers, meanwhile, had a successful day in the pool. Alice in Year 8 qualified for the 50m backstroke finals, while Alice in the Lower Sixth came away with a Bronze in the 50m freestyle and Silver in the 50m breaststroke – well done on their impressive performances.

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