Alumnae Reunion 2025
Waterlow Hall was filled with song, enthusiastic chatter, and even the avatars of former Headmistresses as we welcomed back more than 180 alumnae for our annual tea.
Former pupils and staff gathered for a drinks reception on the seventh floor as Mrs Paul unveiled the Rings of Recognition – our new, nature-inspired installation which pays tribute to the rich tapestry of South Hampstead’s history and growth over the past 150 years. To mark the occasion, representatives from our community – school archivist Mrs Coates, Chair of Governors Amanda Dewinter, and bursary award holder Frances in Year 9 – cut three celebratory cakes.
A happy throng of alumnae, including special reunion groups from the Classes of 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2015, adjourned to Waterlow Hall for afternoon tea. To their surprise, they also heard from some familiar faces from South Hampstead’s past – Headmistresses Miss Bodington, Miss Benton, Miss Potter, and Miss Walker – thanks to the power of AI!
The afternoon rounded off with groups of former classmates taking turns in the South Hampstead photobooth, tours of the school building led by current Sixth Formers, and a rousing rendition of the school song, Hymn of Light. Many thanks to everyone who attended and helped to make it such a joyful occasion. Photos from the day are available here and a copy of the programme here.
Our next alumnae reunion will take place on Sunday 8th March 2026; if you or your fellow classmates are not receiving news about our alumnae events, and would like to attend next year, please get in touch: