Towards 2026 and beyond

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At South Hampstead High School we aim to equip our pupils for life – to develop the leaders, the thinkers, the creators of tomorrow.

Our masterplan, Towards 150 sets out some of these ambitions as we look towards our 150th anniversary in 2026 – at the centre is the need to provide the best possible facilities to support a dynamic learning environment, and the desire to extend our education to anyone with ability and potential, regardless of background or wealth.

Whether you are a parent, pupil, alumna, or honorary alumna of South Hampstead, you are considered to be a valuable, life-long member of our community. By investing in our initiatives you will provide real opportunities for all, you will enrich the lives of every child at the school and, by becoming part of their future, we hope you will enrich your own.

Speak to one of our bursary students here.

Learn more about our plans for the future and make a donation

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Pupils receiving bursaries in the Senior School
1876 Society Members supporting bursaries
Students speaking out through Debate Hub
Bursary Videos